

  • 职  称:动物医学与生物安全学院 萃英博士后
  • 联系电话:18710376615
  • 邮  箱:zhifj@yongjin2sc.com

2011.09-2015.06  榆林学院  生命科学学院  生物科学  学士

2015.09-2018.06  西北农林科技大学  动物医学院  预防兽医学  硕士

2018.09-2022.06  西北农林科技大学  动物医学院  预防兽医学  博士

2022.09-至今     兰州大学  动物医学与生物安全学院 萃英博士后


筛选布鲁氏菌毒力因子,通过基因工程、分子生物学和多组学联合分析等试验技术和方法,解析其在布鲁氏菌毒力中的作用及其免疫保护性评价,深入揭示布鲁氏菌逃避宿主免疫防御的分子机制,为布鲁氏菌病的防控和新型疫苗的研发提供新靶点;参与“十三五”国家重点研发计划、国家自然基金面上项目和青年项目等;以第一作者在《International journal of molecular sciences》和《太阳城赌场》等期刊发表论文五篇,揭示布鲁氏菌相关毒力因子的致病机制及其操纵宿主相关信号通路逃避宿主杀伤。

1. Zhi F, Zhou D, Chen J, Fang J, Zheng W, Li J, Hao M, Shi Y, Jin Y*, Wang A*: An ArsR Transcriptional Regulator Facilitates Brucella sp. Survival via Regulating Self and Outer Membrane Protein. International journal of molecular sciences 2021, 22(19).

2. Zhi F, Fang J, Zheng W, Li J, Zhang G, Zhou D, Jin Y, Wang A*: A Brucella Omp16 conditional deletion strain is attenuated in BALB/c mice. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology 2022, 32.

3. Zhi F, Zhou D, Li J, Tian L, Zhang G, Jin Y*, Wang A*: Omp16, a conserved peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein, is involved in Brucella virulence in vitro. Journal of microbiology 2020, 58(9):793-804.

4. Zhi F, Zhou D, Bai F, Li J, Xiang C, Zhang G, Jin Y, Wang A*: VceC Mediated IRE1 Pathway and Inhibited CHOP-induced Apoptosis to Support Brucella Replication in Goat Trophoblast Cells. International journal of molecular sciences 2019, 20(17).

5. Zhou D, Zhi F, Fang J, Zheng W, Li J, Zhang G, Chen L, Jin Y, Wang A*: RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals the Role of Omp16 in Brucella-Infected RAW264.7 Cells. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2021, 8.

6. Li J, Zhang G, Zhi F, Zhai Y, Zhou D, Chen H, Lin P, Tang K, Liu W, Jin Y, Wang A*: BtpB inhibits innate inflammatory responses in goat alveolar macrophages through the TLR/NF-κB pathway and NLRP3 inflammasome during Brucella infection. Microbial pathogenesis 2022, 166.

7. Zhang G, Zhong F, Chen L, Qin P, Li J, Zhi F, Tian L, Zhou D, Lin P, Chen H, Tang K, Liu W, Jin Y*, Wang A*: Integrated Proteomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal the Roles of Brucella Homolog of BAX Inhibitor 1 in Cell Division and Membrane Homeostasis of Brucella suis S2 2021, 12.

8. Zhang L, Yu S, Ning X, Fang H, Li J, Zhi F, Li J, Zhou D, Wang A*, Jin Y*: A LysR Transcriptional Regulator Manipulates Macrophage Autophagy Flux During Brucella Infection 2022, 12.